Water Resources

Our staff is recognized for its creativity in providing innovative water, wastewater and stormwater solutions, along with an understanding of the intricacies of the federal, state and local project implementation processes to keep projects on schedule.

- Distribution Lines
- Wellfields
- Storage Tanks
- SCADA & Control Systems
- Pump Stations
- Treatment Plants
- Dam & Lake Engineering

- Collection Systems
- Sewer Rehabilitation
- Lift Stations
- Treatment Plants
- SSES Programs
- SCADA & Control Systems
- CSO Controls

- Collection Systems
- Treatment Systems
- Retention Structures
- Floodplain Management
- Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) Inspection
- Pollution Prevention Plans
- NPDES Permitting
- Erosion Control Plans
- Water Quality Permitting
LJB Services
Planning & Support Services
- Asset Management Programs
- Engineering Studies & Reports
- Hydrologic & Hydraulic Modeling
- Rate Studies
- Permitting
- Master Plans
- GIS Mapping
- GIS Application Development
- Funding Assistance
- Construction Observation
- Construction Administration
- Ecological Planning & Restoration
Comprehensive Stormwater Program Solutions
Creative Solutions to Water Challenges
With more than 20 years of strategic planning experience, LJB helps communities deliver what citizens expect—a safe environment within a reasonable budget.
Leveraging GIS to Manage Water Assets
Using custom-made GIS applications LJB helps municipalities better manage their water assets and plan for future needs.
Dam Safety
To help organizations address dam safety projects, LJB delivers beginning-to-end capabilities that provide a one-stop solution for municipal and private owners. From initial studies to plan preparation and construction management, our team helps facilitate compliance with dam safety requirements.
- Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling
- Analysis (system, breach, freeboard, evacuation and reservoir routing)
- Engineering design, including construction plan and specification preparation
- Project permitting
- Inundation mapping
- Development of emergency action plans (EAPs)
- Sediment and erosion control plan preparation
- Construction administration
Railroad Consulting
Working with our partners at Bridge & Stream Engineering Inc., (BSE), we are a leading provider of water resources engineering solutions for the nation’s largest railroad companies. For almost 20 years, BSE has provided study, design and permitting services specialized for the unique needs of this industry.