Environment + Health

We understand that navigating environment and health regulatory requirements can be a significant challenge for organizations. But, this work is essential to reduce business and personnel risk. LJB is your trusted advisor to maintain project momentum while addressing critical needs, permits and deadlines.
LJB Services
Occupational Environment & Health Services
Occupational Health Sampling and Services
- Exposure Evaluations and Engineering Controls Design
– Ventilation
– Noise
– Air Quality
– Ergonomic - OSHA Special Standards
– Silica
– Benzene
– Lead
– Chromium
– Beryllium
– Cadmium - Thermal Stress
- Radiation (X-ray, Ionizing, Electromagnetic Frequency)
- Laser
Environmental Health Sampling and Services
- Hazardous Materials and Programs (EPA)
- Radon
- Drinking Water
- Sampling (Air, Water, Soil)
- Environmental Baseline
- Pollution/Waste Stream Inventory
WELL Health-Safety Rating Certification
- Conduct assessment of facilities, operations, and building systems
- Develop policies, emergency plans, and facility maintenance & operations protocols
- Compose professional narratives and implementation plans
- Document certification requirements and address gaps
- Manage submittal to IWBI for third-party verification
Risk Assessment, Program Development, and Training
- Global Harmonization System/Hazard Communication
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Confined Space
- Respiratory Protection
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Hearing Conservation
- Emergency Response Planning
- Eyewashes and Showers
Continuity of Operations Planning & Design Services
- Customized Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)
- Design and Implement Controls
- Pandemic Preparedness
Environmental Services
Biological Resources
- Threatened, Endangered, and Special-Status Species Permitting
- Wetland Assessment and Delineation
- Mitigation and Compensation Planning
- Habitat Survey and Analysis
Water Resources
- Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design
- Stream Gaging and Related Services
- Stormwater and Sewer System Design
- Stream Restoration and Mitigation Monitoring
- Ground Water Investigation and Analysis
- Outfall analysis and Drainage Investigations
- Flow and Stream Instability Analysis
Environmental Planning and Permitting
- NEPA Review and Compliance
- Alternative Design and Analysis
- Public Engagement and Involvement
- Feasibility Studies and Assessments
- Environmental Justice Analysis
- Clean Water Act Permitting
- Noise and Air Quality Analysis
Mapping and Spatial Information Technology
- Project-Specific and Regional Resource Mapping Services
- Geographic Information Systems – Spatial Analysis
- Image Processing and Land Cover Analysis
- Computer-Based Cartography
- Esri Technology and ArcGIS Platforms
Stormwater Services
- Site specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs)
- Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Inspection
- Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection and Quality Assurance
- Selection of appropriate and cost-effective Best Management Practices (BMPs)
- Water quality monitoring, sampling, analysis, and reporting
Pleasant Valley Road Bridge & Utilities
Our team served as the prime consultant on this multimodal road…
Watson Branch Single Family Phase 2
G&A was hired by Realty Capital Management as the surveyor and…
Valley Parkway Trail Connector
LJB provided design support services and environmental clearance activities for this…