Watson Branch Single Family Phase 2

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G&A was hired by Realty Capital Management as the surveyor and engineer on the 116 lot, 34-acre Watson Branch single family development along Watson Branch in Mansfield, Texas. The development also includes dedicated park space with trail improvements. G&A’s services include platting, topographic survey of the site and wooded creek area; civil site design; flood study; franchise utility coordination; and right-of-way abandonment services.

The City of Mansfield is an iSWM City, therefore, water quality design was required. G&A prepared a preliminary analysis of the iSWM required water quality pond and provided the client with pricing on comparable water quality mechanical separators (hydrodynamic separators). Since space was a limitation for this development, the client opted to go with Hydrodynamic Separator units in lieu of a water quality pond.

The proposed development is along a FEMA studied creek, Watson Branch. G&A prepared, submitted, and received approval on a flood study. Once the development has been constructed, G&A will prepare and submit a LOMR to modify the FEMA maps along the creek. The reach of Watson Branch included in the flood study and subsequent LOMR include two additional developments upstream of the single family as well.

Realty Capital
Mansfield, TX

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