U.S. Route 68 (Detroit Street) and U.S. Route 42 (West Main Street) Safety and Pedestrian Improvements


The lack of dedicated bicycle infrastructure and way-finding signage for cyclists on Detroit Street created a break in an otherwise well-connected trail system.

LJB initially performed a traffic safety study of the corridor to evaluate existing safety performance and develop typical sections to enhance multimodal travel. As a result of the study, a road diet treatment was recommended and designed to address identified safety deficiencies and to create a more balanced and accessible facility for the various users of the roadway.

The new typical section reduced travel lanes to three-lane sections with through lanes and a center turn lane, and the remaining pavement width was used to provide dedicated bicycle lanes. Other features include reverse angle parking, pedestrian refuge islands and a pedestrian hybrid beacon (PHB).

City of Xenia
Xenia, OH

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