U.S. Route 40 West Broad Street Corridor Improvements


This project included multiple studies, innovative drainage treatment, and roadway and traffic signal design that incorporated complete street concepts.

The safety study entailed a thorough crash analysis identifying and plotting more than 1,200 crashes that occurred over a three-year period on the corridor. Based on the results of the initial accident analysis, LJB developed numerous countermeasures to provide short-term and long-term improvements to the safety and operation of the corridor.

The design included developing phased construction plans to widen and replace pavement and to replace the antiquated closed drainage system. The lack of significant grade changes for portions of the project led to innovative drainage treatments to help control costs. Variable depth overlays of existing pavement and trench drains in the gutters were included in the project to ensure proper drainage.

LJB performed environmental field studies to assess the presence of ecological and cultural resources and potentially contaminated properties that might be impacted by this project. Because this project is on a fully developed commercial corridor with more than 200 abutting properties, we engaged in a large and intensive public involvement process to keep stakeholders and the public informed of the project details and to provide an opportunity for them to comment on the proposed improvements.

Identified as a pilot project to implement complete street concepts, the goal was to develop multimodal solutions that improve safety and enhance mobility for all users.

Complete street features include street lighting, narrower travel lanes and a different curb type to accommodate bike lanes, transit facilities, and expanded landscape areas. Most notable: These improvements were designed without increasing the established right of way for the more than 120 parcels for which right of way plans were developed.

ODOT District 6
Franklin County, OH

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