State Route 235 over Cemex Haul Road Underpass Bridge

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LJB Inc. designed this new bridge underpass to enable Fairborn Cement Company to extend its mining operations for at least the next 30 years, as well as improve efficiency and minimize travel costs for hauling. The bridge facilitated a new quarry haul road, connecting the existing western quarry to a new quarry east of S.R. 235. The bridge keeps mining activities off public roadways and minimizes impacts to the surrounding community and residents.

During the first phase of the project, LJB performed all preliminary coordination and engineering necessary to locate where the bridge would be constructed, as well as the most cost-efficient structure type. This phase included field survey, geotechnical investigations, environmental review, preliminary roadway/traffic design and a structure type study. LJB then led final coordination and design and handled project management throughout construction and construction inspection.

The final bridge design consisted of a 145-foot single-span, wide flange prestressed I-beam with a composite reinforced concrete deck on large wall type, reinforced concrete semi-integral abutments on spread footings founded on the underlying bedrock. The upper 15-foot weathered bedrock required stabilization using rock anchors. The vertical clearance over the 90-foot wide quarry haul road is 35 feet, and the haul road is wide enough to allow two large haul trucks to pass at the same time, which creates efficiency and future haul truck travel cost savings for the Fairborn Cement Company.

This project is one of very few privately funded projects to be completed on a State Route in Ohio. It was also unique in that it was delivered using the designer-led design-build delivery method, where LJB, the lead bridge designer, held the contract for and managed both design and construction work to complete the bridge.

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