Interstate 80 Noise Wall Analysis and Construction

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This project included five noise wall sites in select primarily residential areas along an approximately 29 mile stretch of Interstate 80, the Ohio Turnpike. The purpose of the project was to mitigate noise in these locations by installing noise barriers between these communities and the interstate, as noise impacts had been documented in these locations.

LJB confirmed the noise impacts, determined the benefitted receptors and the needed height of the noise walls and developed a comprehensive public involvement plan that focused on soliciting comments from benefitted receptors on their desire for the noise wall in each of the five locations. Activities included initial project notification letters to adjacent property owners in the form of a right of entry letter for preliminary field studies, a survey mailing, and an open house style public involvement meeting featuring project fact sheets and graphic display boards depicting the noise wall location to provide residents the opportunity to view how the project may affect their properties.

During this investigation, LJB also evaluated the ecological resources and potential hazardous substances present at each noise wall site. Once the noise analysis was completed and stakeholder comments were evaluated, LJB completed the structural design to construct the noise barrier walls.

Throughout the project LJB worked with Ohio Turnpike staff to incorporate specific concerns they had, such as snow management and safety barrier preferences, into the design of each wall and assisted in decision-making involving the costs and benefits of constructing one of the walls on a slope that required stabilization. All stakeholders, including Turnpike staff, were engaged in the decision of general wall location to ensure all needs were met.


Ohio Department of Transportation – District 12
Cuyahoga and Summit Counties, OH

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