Fellowship Alliance Chapel


This 69,000-square-foot religious facility was constructed in nine months using the site cast tilt-up construction method. One of the biggest challenges of the project was the 156-foot clear span from the back of the sanctuary to the altar. To accommodate the desired height of the sanctuary, the team created 61-foot tall panels. The facility also contains a cantilevered balcony and a stepped-down floor in the sanctuary, which was challenging to construct on a tilt-up building. Multiple gable roofs and dormers with roof slopes of 4:12 created panel forming challenges, especially for several angled panels. Due to the wide window openings, many panels had to be stitched together prior to cutting temporary legs cast with the panels.

Bedrock Concrete Corporation
Medford, NJ
VA Community-Based Outpatient Clinic

VA Community-Based Outpatient Clinic

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University of Maine Farmington

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