Fairborn Bikeway Connector


This project constructed a 0.75-mile multi-use path that connects the existing bike path at State Route 235 (Xenia Drive) near Calamityville, past the Fairborn YMCA, to Central Avenue. The connector gives users access to non-motorized recreational transportation opportunities throughout the city without having to compete with vehicles. LJB designed the connector entirely on city property except at the railroad crossing, ensuring minimal impacts to existing properties.

LJB also prepared the environmental documentation for the bikeway. Centrally located within the project area is Central Park. The Wright Brothers-Huffman Prairie Bikeway is located adjacent to the proposed project at the south terminus and both of these resources were determined as are Section 4(f) properties. Additionally, the Caesar Creek Section of the Buckeye Trail is located at the north terminus of the proposed project and the trail continues within the project area along Dayton Drive and Xenia Drive.

As part of the project, several measures were investigated to minimize impacts to 4(f) properties and were coordinated with the appropriate parties. As a result, formal concurrence from the OWJ was requested to fulfill 4(f) coordination necessary and a level 4(f) determination of “No Use” was determined for Central Park.

City of Fairborn
Fairborn, OH

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