Our team served as the prime consultant on this multimodal road and bridge project that...
Watson Branch Single Family Phase 2
G&A was hired by Realty Capital Management as the surveyor and engineer on the 116...
Valley Parkway Trail Connector
LJB provided design support services and environmental clearance activities for this 10-foot, all-purpose trail connector...
Loveland City Schools Pandemic Planning
By unanimous vote, Ohio’s Loveland City school board selected LJB Inc. to guide the Loveland...
Greensboro-Randolph Megasite
Located in the heart of North Carolina, the 1,500-acre site was selected due to its...
OHFA Environmental Review Records
LJB has been completing environmental assessments (called Environmental Review Records under HUD NEPA regulations) for...
Ohio Statewide Ecological Resources Surveys
LJB, as a subconsultant to EnviroScience, Inc. is providing state and/or federal threatened and endangered...
Regional MS4 Stormwater Outfall
The purpose of ODOT's MS4 inventory was to map ODOT'S storm water drainage system so...
Stream Mitigation Monitoring for West Perimeter Road
LJB monitored stream mitigation and created a Mitigation Monitoring Report to document the results of...
Vanderbilt Mansion Conifer Barrier Environmental Assessment
LJB prepared the environmental assessment (EA) for the removal and replacement of a stand of...
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Urban Tree Inventory and Assessment
The urban trees at WPAFB provide numerous environmental benefits including reduction of air pollutants, energy...
Indiana Dunes – Porter Beach Access Environmental Assessment
Porter Beach, on the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, is a popular public beach on Lake...