Our structural and civil teams collaborated on the design of a state-of-the-art VA Outpatient Clinic...
University of Maine Farmington
Our team provided site design, traffic and parking studies, and permitting services for two transformative...
Thompson’s Point
Our team led the evaluation, design, and permitting for a $100+ million commercial site development...
The Downs
Gorrill Palmer, an LJB Engineering Company, serves as the lead consultant for the transformation of...
The Cliff House
Perched on the edge of Bald Head Cliff, The Cliff House has welcomed guests since...
Shipyard Brewing Mixed-Use Redevelopment
Our land development team played a key role in repurposing a former industrial property into...
Mount Ararat High School
Our team partnered with PDT Architects to redevelop Mt. Ararat High School on its 46-acre...
Molly Ockett
Our team provided site design, permitting, and construction phase services for the expansion and renovation...
Mercy Hospital (Northern Light Health)
Since 2001, Gorrill Palmer (and LJB Engineering Company) has been a trusted partner in relocating...
Caribou School
Our team played a key role in designing the site for this new PreK-8 school...
Augusta Courthouse
To create an attractive and functional connection between construction of a new 120,000-square-foot courthouse and...
100 Fore Street
For this urban redevelopment project, we provided civil design to repurpose an existing commercial property...