Our team provided surveying and engineering services for the widening of Crist Road, which also...
Kings Island Drive Roadway & Safety Improvements
To support increasing traffic demands, as well as the development of a new, $156 million...
Uptown Streetscape Improvements
LJB is leading the Uptown Implementation Plan, which is a detailed and comprehensive set of...
Columbus County Bridge Replacement
LJB served as the prime consultant providing engineering services in the disciplines of roadway design,...
Novack Bridge Replacement
After this bridge had been closed to traffic due to structural deficiencies, LJB was contracted...
17th Street Sidewalk
For this project, LJB rerouted the 5-foot-wide sidewalk through the Oak Grove Cemetery in accordance...
Mastick Road Connector Trail
LJB served as the lead design engineer for this one third of a mile long...
Princeton Road Bridge Replacement
This bridge replacement project required unique design and collaboration to not only address the deteriorated bridge,...
Rombach Avenue Improvements
This project implemented critical safety countermeasures and repaved a 2.19-mile section of Rombach Avenue (US...
Winston Lake Greenway & Dredging
For this project to design improvements to Winston Lake, LJB was called upon to develop...
Valley Parkway Trail Connector
LJB provided design support services and environmental clearance activities for this 10-foot, all-purpose trail connector...
Valleyview Street & Morris Road Waterline & Stormwater Improvements
The failing storm sewer and water main were creating sinkholes and destroying pavement in the...