Interstate 275 Widening


Interstate 275 from Winton Road to U.S. 42 is one of the most heavily traveled sections of freeway in Ohio and contains six of the busiest interchanges in the region. LJB completed a thorough analysis of the freeway and interchanges on this seven-mile corridor. We evaluated several alternatives for laning and interchange modifications to increase capacity while eliminating safety concerns.

As part of the project, LJB completed a level 4 CE document and designed more than three miles of noise wall. Due to the adjacent properties that could be impacted by right-of-way acquisition, LJB held two public involvement meetings with more than 100 attendees and coordinated communication to more than 1,000 stakeholders throughout the project.

This project also contained 29 ramps and 28 bridges that required extensive coordination and evaluation of existing conditions. The entire project was built using phased construction in order to maintain traffic.

Ohio Department of Transportation – District 8
Hamilton County, OH

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